It’s no secret that we are huge fans of Disneyland. We have an annual pass and live about 20-30 minutes away so we try to go at least once or twice a week to spend time with other friends who have a pass or to enjoy the day. When my daughter was younger, I used to pack a lot of stuff but I don’t take as much now that she is 3. Now that my daughter is potty trained, we don’t have to carry as much stuff but I still try to take things “just in case.”
I love taking a backpack to Disneyland because it keeps my hands free to wrangle my preschooler and easy on my shoulders. I have a few backpack style bags but today I’ll share with you how I pack the Jujube Be Right Back backpack for a day trip to Disneyland.
I really love the Be Right Back because it’s really comfortable on my back. The straps don’t dig into my shoulders even if I pack a lot of things.
One thing I actually like about the BRB is that it opens up all the way. Some people don’t find it helpful but I love it so that when I’m looking for something, I just lay it on a table and grab what I need instead of digging through it. I like packing it up with the large and medium Be Organized pieces because they are see through. When you go through security, sometimes they have to look through every single thing inside your bag and when it’s see through, they don’t have to open it up- it’s a time saver!
I make sure I carry some spray sunscreen, wipes, a water bottle and an activity pack– for when we have to wait for lunch. I still carry wipes to wipe down tables or little hands.
Inside the large Be Organized bag, I take an extra change of clothes. My daughter hasn’t had any accidents but I like to take extra clothes just in case.
In the medium Be Organized, I take some hand sanitizer, anti-bacterial wipes, face sunscreen, sunglasses and a bib. I also fill the small Be Set pieces with bandaids. They have a first aid area inside both parks but I like having bandaids on hand.
I also make sure I pack some snacks and my sunglasses. My wallet and phone are inside the large Be Set which serves as a little cross body purse.
If it’s chilly or we are going to stay until night time, I will bring a blanket and a thicker jacket which I stow in the stroller.
What are some things you pack for a day at Disneyland?
Belle says
These are great tips! Love the minnie items!
Belle | One Awesome Momma
sally says
Thanks so much!!
JeeYoung Dubs says
How about you just come here to pack my bags for me and then we’ll fly back to cali together?! Love that diaper bag!
sally says
LOL! Just come. We would have so much fun!!
Kim S says
Such a cute backpack! Hands free is the way to go!
lifeofaministermom says
I love this bag so much! We went to Disneyworld last year and hope to go back soon!
Amanda Wells says
Great tips! I’d love to be able to take our crew back to Disney. 🙂
Meredith from Mommy in Leggings says
Ahhh I just love these “what’s in my diaper bag” posts!! 😀
mamainthemitten says
We are going for our first time in April just for a day with our 7 and 4 year old daughters- this really helped in learning what to pack!
Ann says
I love these types of posts, too. We pack, roughly, the same things. Plus a kids camera. And an external phone charger.
Emily Bogner says
I had to read this post, I knew you’d have some great tips! Thanks for sharing!
Chanel van Reenen says
love these tips! i think they would work anytime you’re traveling with a toddler or have a long outing without going home! i hope to take the kids to disney next year!!
Shannon says
What a great bag! It fits so much stuff!
younglovemommy says
This bag is soooooo awesome.. I need to get one!!!
Young Love Mommy ♥